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Continuing education standards

Continuing education standards

Being a professional is a state of mind, not a salary

Petroleum companies traditionally give much attention to professional development of their employees. Educational process is based on requirements of professional standards aimed at systematization of human resource development.

Professional standard – a regulatory document containing minimum requirements to employee qualification and experience according to certain type of activity.

Professional standards are mandatory for some kinds of activity, for others - they are advisory: it is up to company to decide what documentation to focus on. Personnel Law Experts recommend to apply professional standards if they exist.

In Russia, coordination of professional standards development in petroleum sphere is a responsibility of Council for professional competence. There are more than 70 professional standards and the same number of standards for general industry jobs and positions.

H&R departments use professional standards for position naming, identifying of employment terms, conditions, and scope, as well as job rating, attestation, career planning, professional education, etc. It is important to pay attention to qualification and professional experience requirements because nonconformance to standards is a possible reason for employment denial.

Based on professional standards employee can initiate his or her training and education. Some standards include competence development frequency.

Moreover, some professional standards provide compulsory education of employees. Frequency and financing terms are regulated by federal laws, corporate rules (decrees, instructions, etc.) and company bylaws (collective labour contract, agreement, employment agreement, etc.).

Professional education and retraining programs of OGE Academy consider requirements of professional and educational standards of oil & gas industry.