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Rock Physics

Rock Physics

Course announce

Formation physical properties (including elastic) are different scale, and depend on both rock composition and internal structure (microstructure). Every consequent scale has properties of previous one. Rock Physics provides a powerful tool for detection of physical properties (elastic wave rate, thermal and electrical conductivity, etc.) and microstructure parameters correlation.

The tasks of Rock Physics include selection of the physic-mathematical model that allows approximating theoretical value of elastic wave rate and measured data, and answering the question “What if…?” For example, how can fracture porosity increase, fracture opening, change of fluid type, kerogen content or even porosity influence elastic wave rate.

The course “Rock Physics for effective physical properties simulation” is developed for oil & gas specialists, and provides physics basis of Rock Physics methodology to select the most applicable rock study method among a range of different software packages. This is to increase validity of physical data interpretation, in particular configuration of voids.

Consideration of rock structure diversity according to different scales allows to solve the problem of core analysis and well-logging study dependencies connection.

Due to conventional reserves depletion the attention is paid to the development of nonconventional rocks such as hydrocarbon-bearing shale, Bazhenov, Domanic and Khadum suites. Many unconventional reservoir rocks are anisotropic. The course provides a basis of mathematic tools for anisotropic rock petro-elastic modeling. That allows students easily analyze publications base on effective anisotropic properties simulation.  Besides fractured anisotropic rocks such as carbonate rock, the course covers unconventional reserves anisotropy that is not always associated with orient fracturing. The study of anisotropic petro-elastic modeling principles is aimed at the increase of field data interpretation validity including avoidance of false excessive fissuring zone detection.

In addition, students will receive the answer to the following question “What to do in case you need to find out rock thermal conductivity that cannot be measured in the well, while you have rock velocity and electrical conductivity data?”  Such questions often arise while heavy oil field development and drilling of gas-hydrate formations.

The course is developed by Irina Bayuk – Chief research officer of RAS, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a member of SEG, EAGE, SPE. The trainer has long-term work experience at Russian and foreign scientific and industrial Rock Physics projects.