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Seismic interpretation and Rock Physics data

Seismic interpretation and Rock Physics data

Course announce

Employees’ practical skills in seismic interpretation technics and Rock Physics are essential for petroleum companies on their way to the new level of exploration quality, high competitiveness, and economical efficiency.

The program of “Seismic interpretation. Integration with Rock Physics data” course provides advanced training in modern seismic interpretation – from seismic data review to full integration with Rock Physics (AVO, inversion) results.

This course will be useful if you want:

  • To study seismic amplitudes analysis, and velocity modeling;
  • To master the techniques of AVO analysis, modeling and fluid substitution;
  • To learn AI and VpVs inversion cubes analysis;
  • To be able to integrate seismic data with AVO and inversion cubes;
  • To acquire skills of lithostratigraphic cubes modeling, and reserves estimation;
  • To learn how to assess reservoir quality and reduce risks while prospect estimation;
  • To study various examples of seismic interpretation and attributes application.

The training is designed on the basis of many examples of petroleum prospects, drilling results, and includes real case studies. During the course, you will study geological risks reduction and exploration works improvement technics.

Course lecturer – Rafig Manafov – a Leading geophycisist/geologist of Mitsui Oil Exploration Company (Norway) with 15-years of petroleum exploration experience on Norwegian, British, Danish, Russian, Azerbaijani and American fields, as well as at North, Barents, Norwegian Seas and South Caspain basin in such companies as British Petrolium, Maersk Oil, LUKOIL and Mitsui. Also he is a member of EAGE/SPE and AAPG, a science writer and has a master degree of Norwegian University of Science and Technology.