Logistical supports and equipment of the educational process

The non-state (private) educational institution of additional professional education "Academy Oil and Gas Engineering" (hereinafter - NEI Academy OGE) is located at address: Sochi, Kurortny Prospekt, 92/5.

The total area of ​premises for educational activities is 109.1 m2, which allows teaching 2 groups of students at the same time. The premises are equipped with the necessary resources for lectures and practical classes: magnetic marker boards, laptops and printers, projectors and speakers, a system for simultaneous translation.

Material and technical base of educational activities

Meals are organized in a special room equipped with furniture and kitchen appliances.

The library of the Academy OGE offers educational publications in Russian and English for independent study of the material.

Each student is provided with free access to the information and telecommunication network of the Internet and electronic educational resources.

Registration for course

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