OGE Academy in the international class journal "Catalysis in Industry"

Academy OGE in the international class magazine "Catalysis in Industry"!

In the July issue of the journal, an article was published "IMPROVING the MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE CATALYTIC REFORMING PROCESS WITH A STATIONARY CATALYST LAYER", the authors of which were the vice—rector for educational activities of the NOU "Academy of INGM", Ph.D. - Inna Vagizovna Pchelintseva, together with a scientific group from Tomsk Polytechnic University. The most important issues are raised on the pages of the journal and the results of the work of Russian and international congresses, scientific conferences, and workshops in the field of catalysis are analyzed.

The article covers the following topics:
— the use of chromatographic and physico-chemical methods to study the composition of raw materials (including degassed condensate);
— research on the use of various types of raw materials for recycling (using the example of catalytic reforming) in order to increase its depth;
— development of a mathematical model for calculations.

This topic is widely discussed in the global scientific community of specialists working in the field of laboratory research, secondary oil refining and chemical catalysis. This line of development will make oil production more rational, and the use and processing of recyclable materials affordable.

The full version of the article can be found on the official website of Catalysis in Industry: https://www.catalysis-kalvis.ru/jour/article/view/1064

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