Meeting of working group GazInformPlast - NEI Academy INGM - TPU

13.08. a meeting of the working group of LLC "IC GazInformPlast" — NOU "Academy of INGM" — TPU.

During the meeting, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Electric Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Head of the Laboratory of Advanced materials of the energy industry Pak A.Ya. spoke in detail about the latest developments in his field, allowing to obtain hydrogen by electrolysis.
На сегодняшний день водород считается одним из наиболее ценных видов сырья, однако из-за высокой химической активности вещество в чистом виде в природе практически не встречается.

The main industrial sources of hydrogen production are natural gas (methane) and water. The production line for the separation and processing of associated petroleum gases is one of the most promising for OILTIM.

As a result of the meeting, the tasks were formulated and the requirements for the issues of interaction between OILTEAM Group and TPU were specified, opportunities for the development of the research potential of OILTEAM Group specialists were considered.

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