Leadership. Pedagogical (scientific and pedagogical) team

Lavrov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Lavrov Vladimir Vladimirovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences
Director of NEI Academy OGE, General Director of OILTEAM company

In 1975 he graduated from the Grozny Order of the Red Banner of Labor Oil Institute with a degree in Machinery and Equipment of Oil and Gas Fields, in 1987 he graduated from the graduate school of the Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin. Experience in the oil industry is more than 40 years. Author of 10 patents and more than 30 publications in Russian and international scientific and technical journals.

Professional knowledge and experience allowed Vladimir Vladimirovich to create and develop several successful projects, including a plant for the production of original digital instruments and equipment for the study of oil and gas wells (TNPVO SIAM LLC), a well research service enterprise (Siam Master LLC) and an engineering enterprise to optimize field development (Siam Engineering LLC).

Since 2010, Vladimir Lavrov has been the CEO of OILTIM Company, which has successfully established itself in Russian mining companies such as: Rosneft, Gazprom, LUKOIL, Gazpromneft, Zarubezhneft, Bashneft and others. The company is engaged in the development and implementation of innovative technologies and products in demand on the market, such as:

- Engineering: complex of services in the field of design and development of installations and complexes for collection and processing of well products, development of APCS systems and digitalization of technological devices for oil and gas processing;

- Field service: provision of comprehensive services for testing and development of wells coming out of drilling, hydrodynamic, gas dynamic, gas condensate and laboratory studies, integrated organization of early production;

- Laboratory service: conducting studies in laboratory conditions in order to obtain the necessary information on the properties of reservoir fluids necessary for calculating oil and gas reserves, designing and monitoring the development of oil and gas fields;

- Production: OILTIMMASH plant successfully develops and manufactures equipment for the oil, gas and petrochemical industries. June 1, 2017 "OILTIMMASH" received the status of a resident of the Territory of advanced socio-economic development of the urban district of Kumertau;

- Education: Academy of Oil and Gas Engineering. The Academy specialists have developed and annually conduct more than 130 courses, more than 100 Russian companies are customers of the training, more than 50 Russian and foreign lecturers with 20 years of experience in the industry are involved in lectures. The Academy trains specialists in Tomsk, Sochi, Moscow, Tyumen, Samara, Nizhnevartovsk, Kazakhstan, Serbia, South Sudan, Pakistan, etc. Graduates of the Academy are specialists from leading Russian oil and gas companies.

The image of OILTEAM Company is determined by a high level of professionalism and extensive long-term experience of a team of specialists led by Lavrov V.V.

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