Structure and governing bodies of the educational organization

The supreme governing body is the Founder (Owner). The sole executive body is the Director. Collegial governing bodies - General Meeting of the labor collective, Pedagogical Council.
Competencies of management bodies:
  • Adoption of the NEI Charter, amendments and additions to it with subsequent registration in accordance with the established procedure.
  • Determination of priority activities of the NEI, principles of formation and use of its property, consideration and approval of long-term activity programs.
  • Appointment of the Director of the NEI, early termination of his powers.
  • Appointment of the NEI auditor and the NEI auditor.
  • Approval of the annual report and annual balance sheet.
  • Approval of the financial plan of the NEI and amendments to it.
  • Defining the policy of the NEI in the main areas of its activities.
  • Approval of cost estimates for the implementation of approved programmes.
  • Approval of the investment policy of the NEI.
  • Decision on establishment of branches and representative offices of NEI, approval of their Regulations, appointment of their managers.
  • Approval of internal regulations and regulations of the NEI.
  • Making a decision on participation in other organizations.
  • Hearing the Director's report on the activities of the NEI.
  • Reorganization and liquidation of NEI.
  • Represents the interests of the NEI in relations with third parties, in state, municipal, judicial and other bodies, in all institutions, organizations and enterprises both in the Russian Federation and abroad.
  • Acts on behalf of the NEI without a power of attorney.
  • Disposes of the NEI within the limits of the estimate approved by the Founder, as well as the NEI property within the limits provided for by the current legislation, this charter and the contract (agreement).
  • Opens and closes bank accounts.
  • Performs transactions on behalf of the NEI within the limits of its powers, concludes contracts, carries out other legal actions on behalf of the NEI, is responsible within its competence for the use of funds and property of the NEI in accordance with its statutory purposes.
  • Organizes the implementation of the decisions of the Founder.
  • Issues orders, instructions binding on NEI employees.
  • Recruits and dismisses NEI employees, approves their job responsibilities in accordance with the staffing table.
  • Approves the structure, staff, maintenance costs of the NEI apparatus.
  • Carries out operational and administrative activities, solves issues of economic and financial activities of the NEI, acquires and manages property, monitors the activities of branches and representative offices of the NEI.
  • Reports in its activities to the Founder according to the procedure and terms determined by the Founder, the current legislation, this Charter and the contract (agreement).
  • Organizes accounting and tax accounting and reporting, resolves all other issues that are not within the competence of the NEI Founder.
General meeting of the labor collective
  • Participates in the development and adoption of the Collective Agreement, Internal Labor Regulations, amendments and additions to them.
  • Adopts other local acts regulating the activities of the educational organization provided for by the Charter of the NEI.
  • Resolves conflict situations between employees and the administration of an educational organization.
  • Monitors the implementation of the Charter of the educational organization, makes proposals to eliminate violations of the Charter.
Pedagogical Council
  • Develops the main directions and programs for the development of the educational organization, improving the quality of the educational process, submits them to the Director for subsequent approval.
  • Approves the work plan for the school year.
  • Discusses and makes decisions on any issues related to the content of education.
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